Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finally a KEYBOARD!

Earlier this summer, I decided I wanted to blog. My friend Julie was a huge inspiration; I live to read her blog. When my husband hears me laugh abruptly while I'm sitting in my rocking chair in the front room, he knows Julie has brightened my day. I also watched Julie and Julia this summer (must be something about that name), and although I'm still too scared to commit to blogging 365 days straight, I decided I should try to blog spontaneously throughout the school year and highlight some of the techie things I teach that make life easier.

That was a great idea, but it is now the end of the summer, and I'm just getting started. See, I created a problem. I had gotten an iPad from school to use with one of my summer school students, and in my quest to learn the technology, I was juggling my laptop and the iPad. Well unfortunately, I was never a great juggler, and I dropped one. My laptop survived except for the screen. I learned this by plugging in my monitor from the desktop, and worked. Problem? Yes, the desktop is just not convenient or portable, so I've maybe logged onto my computer twice since the juggling accident. Problem? Not really because I had the iPad which is absolutely amazing! But, it was somewhat difficult to compose on the built in keyboard. My keyboarding teachers did such a great job that now I feel totally guilty when I'm not using proper finger movements.

Well today I was getting some items for school at Walmart, and I decided to ask if they had a wireless keyboard for the iPad. Woot woot! They did! Now I can start my blogging. Summer goal number 50 accomplished. Please don't ask about goals 1-49.

So, what's the purpose? Why am I so committed to blogging? I plan to use this blog to teach people about using technology to make life easier. I'm a teacher, so lots of things may deal with classroom implementation, but I hope to teach my non-educator friends and family a few things too.

Lesson 1: Get a keyboard for the iPad! Now you can do anything!

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